Columbus Day Spooktacular

 In order for us to have Columbus Day camp we need to have at least 16 campers signed up.

Update: 10-8-21:   22 Campers signed up   CAMP IS A GO !!

Click on top button to access camp registration 

Click on 2nd button to download registration flyer, print and mail

GAMEPLAY Inside & Outside - GAGA Ball, Choice Day games, Pizza, Juice and More....

Download camp flyer by clicking on button below, Print and send registration by October 14


Address: 817 Prairie Valley St, Elburn, IL 60119

10 Minutes from Shopping Randall Road/Geneva Commons

MONDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2021  9:00 - 3:00 PM

Grades K - 6th grades

Fee for Camp: $36

Family Discount additional children: Deduct $3 off each sibling attending camp


1) Download camp flyer by clicking on button below or,

2) Text Mr. Wallner, 630-939-5466, to reserve a day of camp

2) Copy, Paste & Print below registration. 

3) Feel free to hand deliver registration/payment to Mr. Wallner in PE class

                     Send Registration/payment to address: Neil Wallner, P.O. Box #364, Elburn, IL 60119


  • Grades K-2
  • Students will participate in fun activities like: NERF BATTLES, KINGBALL, ZOMBIE TAG, Jurassic Park, BattleShip 2.0, Xtreme Last Flag, STAR WARS 2.0, Snowball Battle and much, much more.
  • Grades 3-6
  • Come play the new, & exciting game all the kids are talking about...FORTNITE! Students will also play in activities like: Civil War, GAGA BALL, Blitz, ZOMBIE TAG, NERF BATTLES, Capture The FLAG, PUMPKIN SMASH BASEBALL, Flag Football, Wall Ball, Xtreme Last Flag, Dodgeball Tournament, KING KHAOS, Capture The Pins, KINGBALL and much more!

Lunch:  Pizza & Juice served between 11:30 - 12:00

      Increase your chances of winning all sorts of cool prizes by winning camp games
        CHUCK A DUCK
          Throw your Duck closest to target WINS gift card !!

Print, fill out and send in:

Child's Name_______________________________________ Grade ______________________

Emergency Information (if parents cannot be reached)__________________________________

Medical/Allergy concerns:___________________________________________________________________

Parent's Signature________________________Best Phone # to reach parent__________________

(Authorizes child to attend camp and waives liability of injury and/or medical complications)

This camp is not sponsored, sanctioned, or in any way supervised by the Central 301 School District. In offering this camp, I will not be on duty or acting in my capacity as an employee or teacher of Central 301 School District. Moreover, Central 301 School District assumes no responsibility or liability whatsoever for any accident, loss or injury arising out of your child's participation in this event, or for any loss, accident or injury in any way related to this camp. 

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